Mar 10, 2015

Announcing DELIA - A new webcomic collaborative by Hans Rickheit and Krissy Dorn!


My wife, Krissy Dorn and I have been working on this comic project for awhile. I had made a promise on the Patreon site that when it hit $50 per week, I would start posting it online as a regular webcomic. At the moment, the Patreon fund is $27.50, so I don’t think it would be that much of a stretch to achieve that goal.

Yes, DELIA filled with cute, fuzzy squirrels. Will this be a heartwarming tale to stand the ages and become the next Disney blockbuster feature film; or will it be another weird Hans Rickheit product filled with perversion, drug abuse and gratuitous violence? We’ll just have to wait and see!

This is your chance to help this book become a reality! pledge now, and if the milestone goal is reached, I’ll start posting pages before the week is up!

Here are the first five pages of the book as a teaser. Many more have already been drawn. Aren’t you just dying to read them all? To make a pledge just go to my Patreon page :

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to this collaborative effort from you guys :)
